Ormonde Offshore

Ormonde Offshore Wind Farm was developed in the Irish Sea, offshore of the UK, on an 8.7km² site. Originally conceived and developed by Eclipse Energy (whose management team now make up Enterprize Energy) the project was acquired and constructed by Vattenfal.

Project Overview
Irish Sea, United Kingdom
Distance from shore
Water depth
Project completed

The Ormonde project was originally proposed in 2002 by Eclipse Energy (Enterprize Energy's predecessor) as a hybrid wind and natural gas operation. The Ormonde Project achieved several 'global-first’ accolades: first commercial project to utilise four-legged ‘jacket’-type turbine sub-structures; first commercial deployment of 5MW turbines, and the longest single export cable one-piece installation (42km). In 2008, Vattenfall acquired Eclipse Energy and its full project portfolio. Vattenfal consequently developed the Ormonde offshore wind farm as a wind-only project.